Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The if-then logic


This Chinese idiom sounds wrong, but if so, then it wouldn't be one.

Logically speaking, it is correct, or true.

However, in most cases, we prefer the then to be false. For e.g., if you don't study, you will fail the exam. Thus, that makes not studying a bad choice.

On the other hand, consider this: if we don't punish children, they will not learn. Here, is punishing good or bad? Many would think obviously it is good. Actually, this depends ... on what they will be learning?

Thus, whether 人不为己 is good or bad depends on if 天诛地灭 is good or bad, or if the current "天" and "地" are good or bad. If these are bad, then 天诛地灭 would be good, and therefore 人不为己 would be good.

I think, instead of sustaining a world where 人不为己 is bad, isn't destroying, or actually transforming such kind of world into one whereby everyone is 人不为己, better?


Y. Kang said...

问81: 人之初 性本恶,合“万标”?
答: 合。 对 非群居共生成员,性本恶。 反之,性本善。 都是 本能(祖先成功经验)。

Back2Nature said...

Hey, nice to find similar thoughts, I hope. Just managed to briefly browse through your blog and links. I would like to learn more about this "万标" concept. Is there a place where I can read up more description about the standard ten thousands years ago?

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